Updated Links Report For Clients - Moz's Domain Authority Now Included 
In order to better monitor our network's SEO health, we've integrated MOZ API. The links report now includes the latest MOZ value and its API date. 
From all the SEO metrics we've seen and tested, combining MOZ domain authority and index trend produced the best results for determining how Google sees our network. Although we are not seeing too much impact from Majestic's trust flow and citation flow value, we are currently using them for secondary reference when we add aged domains to our network. 
We've noticed relying solely on domain authority can produce false positives as its value is purely derived from the amount of historic crawling done by MOZ crawlers. We've seen some domains with high DA never get indexed by Google while some domains with low DA value quickly gained index count. To make up for this inconsistency, we are using index trend which comes directly from Google along with DA value. We believe using both DA and index trend is currently the best way to determine the overall network's SEO health. 
Dynamic Linking Adjustment Based On SEO Metrics 
Since domain authority values can fluctuate over time, we have programmed our platform to dynamically adjust the type of links to be placed based on its value. As an example, if a domain's DA value falls from 15 to 8 over time, only passives will be allowed on that domain from that point on. If the domain's DA falls below 3 and our minimum required index count, the domain will be quarantined until the domain's DA value improves. When this happens, Google will only see the content and not the links. This process ensures Google sees the links coming from only healthy domains, not a domain in a declining state.  
Active Domain Pruning 
We've discovered it is just as important to prune domains from the network as adding aged domains in order to increase the overall network's SEO health. Just like an early detection can cure a cancer, we are seeing an early detection is helping us to isolate unhealthy domains. With this new process, we are seeing consistent ranking improvements for the sites we fully manage for some agencies.  
If you are providing links report to your clients, please note that some links may not be present at a later date as the domain can be in a quarantined state. You can come back to the links report and generate the updated links list.